

Hey guys, I think we decided to keep going the way we're going with the programs, and have a simpler program as a back-up, but that doesn't seem right. So what did we decide?

  • Keep going with what we're already doing. I'll add 2 more games, create the main class that runs one of the games at random. The users both input values, if they're right they can run off to get the sword or shield, if not they suffer a 5 second penalty.
  • There are 2 groups of dots displayed, probably of different colors so the users can tell which one's for them. Both groups of dots will be shown on the same screen, and the user with the most dots is the hunter.
  • A questions is shown on the screen and the user to enter the correct answer first is the hunter, and the other one is the hunted.

If there's a third option that I'm overlooking please let me know, and to be honest I'm not entirely sure if we decided on which option would be best. Perhaps if everyone comments and from there we can make a decision.

-Hope everyone's having a good weekend, Shaun.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't like typing answers in laptop,since it might be troublesome and cools excitement down. And also we need one more keypad.
    But Alex says we should, so that players will never make a mistake about which one is the HUNTER.

    If two key are assigned to each player, e.g. "A&S" for Player A and "K&L" for Player B.
    And all the question are Yes-No question,
    that might be less troublesome and players will never make mistake, and we don't need a extra keypad for it.

    Sorry, we are putting all the programming works on you...


