

I have quickly re-made the video.
What do you think?

If no one is looking at this blog anymore, and I don't recieve any comment by tomorrow, then I will upload this video on Youtube.




Good job everyone, and thank you all for working hard for the game.
Although we had a lot of trouble, we managed to present our game.
And that's excellent.

After people played the game, I asked them to grade the game out of ten.
I'm pretty sure, it will be difficult for them to give us a bad grade in front of us,
but it seems the most of them actually enjoyed the game. One person even gave us 11.

Like the last time, we have only got six stickers.
But since about only ten or less people played this game, the percentage of the people who thought the game is worth a sticker was high.

The biggest problem we had was a technical difficulty.
Like, the sound was too faint, the sticks broke, wireless mouse didn't work etc...
(Broken sticks are totally my fault. I should have chosen a stronger material.)
Because of those troubles, we failed to attract people in the first hour, which is a big loss.

Little problems are:
It might have been a bit too scary for girls. One girl ran away when I asked her to play it.
People tend to hit the bear too strongly. Since they are so excited, they can't save their force.
Appearance isn't very attractive.

After all, those people who played the game, said that they enjoyed it.
Once they play it, they like it, but we couldn't make them play it.
Therefore, our idea of the game was good, but we failed at the process to advertise and provide the game.

So, now I really want to revenge.
The only way to revenge is to get on a newspaper.
And we have about two weeks to do that.
I'm going to think about ways to become famous on this weekend.


And the Money
We need to see each other again to pay back for whatever each individual bought for the game.

Our team website

These are the links to our website on the hunter hunted exertion game:

The poster with sentences

I realized that the poster needs sentences that describes the game.

Finished Program

Can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/?tw2inzvkygt

Make sure to have your speakers turned on, the players are told who the Hunter is by sound. Oh and if you don't play it through and exit that way, you need to stop the javaw.exe process.



Program Update

Hey guys, Shaun again, just wanted to give a progress report on the program.

So now there's a main menu that you can start a new game from, and it runs the game in 10 'rounds' of 20 seconds. Just from testing it 10 seems like a lot so what would you guys think of changing it to 6 or 8? It's easy to change so just let me know.

A sound plays after 20 seconds to signal the end of the round.

So the last thing that I need to do is to add a pop-up window that asks you if the hunter was successful, and it'll be done :)



Current Program

Hey guys, Shaun here, here's the current build of the program, it doesn't do everything yet but-

What it does do: Counts clicks when the timer is going, times 20 seconds, displays player images, plays a sound after 20 seconds and randomly assigns a player as the Hunter.

What it doesn't do: Runs through more than once, stops the score from being added to the Hunter's total score (for when their hat thing gets knocked off), has the right images, has a restart button.

So, that should all be pretty easy except for the restart. I don;t think there's a built-in function to do it, so I'll either have another application that opens the main one or reset all variables.

You'll notice that the score isn't displayed, if I have enough time tonight I'll add that (won't take more than 10 minutes to add it and get it in the right position).

The only other thing's the final images which I'm waiting for from Lex, so could you get them to me sometime tomorrow please Alex?

Code below, sorry it's so long:

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Event;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.MediaTracker;
import java.awt.Panel;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Random;

public class MouseClickEventDemo extends Applet implements ActionListener {

BufferedImage image;
Random randomGenerator = new Random();
int playerNum=randomGenerator.nextInt(2);
int clickCount=0;
public Container getContentPane;
String timerSeconds = "ss";
boolean trueClicked=false;
final static JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea();
Button okButton;
static Panel panel = new MouseClickEventDemo();
int timeInt = 0;
int secondTimeInt=0;

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
if (evt.getSource() == okButton) {
if (timeInt!=secondTimeInt){

public void displayText() {
textArea.setText("Number of hit " + clickCount);

private void initComponents() {
textArea.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){

if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.NOBUTTON){
else if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {

//SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {

okButton = new Button("Action!");

//int timeInt = 0;
//int secondTimeInt=0;
new MouseClickEventDemo().setVisible(true);
timeInt = Integer.parseInt(DateUtils.now());
System.out.println("Now : " + DateUtils.now());
System.out.println("Then before : " + secondTimeInt);
if (secondTimeInt>60){
System.out.println("Then after : " + secondTimeInt);
while (timeInt!=secondTimeInt){
timeInt = Integer.parseInt(DateUtils.now());

try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) {


public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e) {

public String now() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(timerSeconds);
return sdf.format(cal.getTime());

public MouseClickEventDemo() {
try {
Image playerImage;

String imageName = "C:/Users/Shaun/Pictures/player"+playerNum+".jpg";
File input = new File(imageName);
image = ImageIO.read(input);
} catch (IOException ie) {

public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage( image, 0, 0, null);

static public void main(String arg[]) throws
Exception {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Display image");
frame.setSize(500, 500);

int timeInt = Integer.parseInt(DateUtils.now());

MouseClickEventDemo someString = new MouseClickEventDemo();


Different class

import sun.audio.*;
import java.io.*;

public class PlayDing {

public static void playding() throws IOException{

InputStream in = new FileInputStream("C:/Users/Shaun/Pictures/ding.wav");
AudioStream as = new AudioStream(in);



Different class

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

public class DateUtils {
public static final String timerSeconds = "ss";

public static String now() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(timerSeconds);
return sdf.format(cal.getTime());

//public static void main(String arg[]) {
public void getDate(){
int timeInt = Integer.parseInt(DateUtils.now());
System.out.println("Now : " + DateUtils.now());
int secondTimeInt=timeInt+20;
System.out.println("Then before : " + secondTimeInt);
if (secondTimeInt>60){
System.out.println("Then after : " + secondTimeInt);
while (timeInt!=secondTimeInt){
timeInt = Integer.parseInt(DateUtils.now());
System.out.println("It has been 20 seconds");



keep on keepin on

ok so i thought that meybe both players should attack the bear and try and ovoid losing their own hat-cup to the opponents sword. so that way each player gets points yet when they are "hunted"(lose there cup) they lose all their points. each game lasts 25 seconds and their points are tallied up after so any games. that way they dont have to keep changing roles and i think it will be more fun. thing is though the bear wont be able to detect who hits it. :( i dont think i can change it in the time we have, so meybe it will just have to be counted by one of us.
just an idea feel free to point out any floors.
p.s nice poster junki! looking really good




I've quickly made the poster.
Tell me where to fix.
e.g. the title is wrong, missing information, painting style is bad, someone else wants to do it... etc.

The photos which I took, and used as the material, were too blurred to be used raw.




There are how the equipments look like.
I tied string to the part where you hold on the sword B, to test if that helps at all or not.

Do you think they should be prettier?
I feel they will look even cheaper if I paint colors or paste colored paper on them.

Update on The Leader Newspaper

Ok, so I spoke to the editor and she wants us to do a bit of running around to make things easier for them. They asked me to:

- Talk to the Journalist department of RMIT and see if they can write us up a press release.

- They advised me to try for multiple papers around the city area.

- So far it's going well.

So I may need some help finding the Journalism Department, she said it doesn't matter if a journalism student does it, she just wants someone else to do the hard work, they'll edit it.

- Alex


Vital Part

I've made the target to put on players' head.

Since I used magnets, the stickiness will last semi-infinitely.



New program

Hey guys, this post is directed at The Lexinator:

When you have the time could I get 3 images from you with the following specs?

The first one's a splash screen for when it loads. I suppose something with the title, Team N and maybe a nice graphic would be awesome.

The second and third one's are both screens to let the player know who is the hunter, player 1 or player 2. As long as it's big and obvious who the hunter is it's cool.

And that's it!

All of them should be 1024x768 pixels, or whatever your screen resolution is please :)

Once I've git them I'll plug them into the program and it should be good to go once I've added a title menu.




This is it, inside the bear.



Its working... but i think it may need a few more things before field testing should begin :P


alpha bear

Sorry guys, i have decided to kinda re do the iron man bear because it is way to fragile for its purpose and it was a little small. so ill hopefully have pictures up tonight or ill just bring it in on thursday. also very nice work lex! ;D


Media Coverage

Great News Everyone!

I spoke to the editor of the Leader Newspaper the other day and she said she would be more than happy on writing a piece on our game project.

It's not final yet, and she would like us to give a demonstration of our game in the future.

But think about it, we're so close to securing a HD now :D


This is the sketch up.
im still working on how to change the light( there are 3 colours) and what those colours could mean. meybe how hard we hit it.


At the moment i have a prototype of a stuffed bear with a wireless receiver that has quite a bit of range to it. plus when u hit it a large light in the bears chest lights up to know you have scored. ill bring it in this thursday and up load some pictures soon. have a good one people


The game with a teddy bear

To solve the problem:
  1. Make use of the computer
  2. More exertion
  3. More fun
  4. Less cost/devices

I made this new rule:

This way,
  1. the computer is counting hits which is hard for human to do,
  2. the players are forced to run,
  3. the mouse doesn't need to be wireless,
  4. And a bit of cruelty and violence might make the game a little more fun.

What do you think?


Right Clicker

I've broken a mouse into pieces and created a machine which only does right click.

I went to Jaycar near RMIT on Friday and looked for a wireless mouse.
Yet, I found out that a wireless mouse can only be about 5 meters away from its receiver.
So, I decided to buy a wired mouse.

Now I've fit the inside of the mouse into this box, and it does right click when its lid is pushed.

I wanted to test it, however I realized that there is no mach for the mouse's terminal on my PC.
So I'm going to buy an adapter.
I'm also waiting for the teddy bear to put this machine into.



Hey guys, I think we decided to keep going the way we're going with the programs, and have a simpler program as a back-up, but that doesn't seem right. So what did we decide?

  • Keep going with what we're already doing. I'll add 2 more games, create the main class that runs one of the games at random. The users both input values, if they're right they can run off to get the sword or shield, if not they suffer a 5 second penalty.
  • There are 2 groups of dots displayed, probably of different colors so the users can tell which one's for them. Both groups of dots will be shown on the same screen, and the user with the most dots is the hunter.
  • A questions is shown on the screen and the user to enter the correct answer first is the hunter, and the other one is the hunted.

If there's a third option that I'm overlooking please let me know, and to be honest I'm not entirely sure if we decided on which option would be best. Perhaps if everyone comments and from there we can make a decision.

-Hope everyone's having a good weekend, Shaun.


Improved target

One improvement made.
I'm thinking about replacing the aluminum with copper as Chris suggested.

First 2 mini games in video

Hey guys, Shaun here. I thought I'd post a video of the 2 completed games we have so far. I'm still looking for 2 more so if you've seen something that you think we adapt or you've got an original idea for me just let me know.

I talk about an alternative to these games at the end of this video. Think of it like Buzz, and we could use numpads (one turned 90 degrees to the left, the other to the right) as controllers.



Nice work with the sword junki, but i think that foil is lacking on conductibility. meybe wrapping copper coil around the sword evenly would be a better alternative and then perhaps having the shield covered in like thin wire fencing and connect that to the circuit. it would make the re actions fast and responsive. ill have a go at making my own version some time soon.



The sword

I've made the sword.

I wish I could make the lights stay turned on for a while, even after disconnecting.
So that the lights can be an evidence of a successful hit.

I also thought that maybe the noise made by hitting the plate is enough to tell that the hit occurred.



yeah i was also looking at changing the template. but was too scared to change it unless it like deleted everything 0___o. but yeah it really needs to be more pretty.
So Shaun is doing the programming. umm who is working on the poster? plus ......sigh... does Jaden know about this blog .___.

Mini Game Idea

Hey guys, I've already told you about this but I thought a good idea for one of the small deciding games (like the count the dots game) would be one with simple equations, but the numbers are replaced with animals and the number is equal to the number of legs the animal has (so cow + chicken would be 4+2). This one shouldn't take me too long to program and I'm looking for 2 more game ideas if anyone has any.

And Alex next time you've got some spare time could you please make me some animal heads? If you can find the time text me and I'll give you the information on the dimensions that I worked under. Oh and also some dots in the same style. 

If I finish the animal algebra game then I'll change the dots game so it can render more dots and they will be placed randomly. I've found that it is possible to use a transparent image in Java and I can ask it to give me the window dimensions and create a random integer between 1 and the width and 1 and the height to create coordinates. I'd really like to get around to doing this but I want to finish the other mini games first, just wanted to let everyone know that it's possible.

EDIT: Hey I was thinking that if we get the time we should make this blog look pretty :) 

I hope everyone had a good weekend :D



elo elo

ill be glad to help out where ever i can. and the link is http://gameslecture.blogspot.com/



Picture and stuff for Floyd

I kind of need some help getting this picture and stuff ready for Floyd. I've done a simple picture, but it's of our new game, not our old one, which I think is what he needs. So after much frustation I finally need someone to help me start over. Any takers?

Also, what is the URL of the blog where we are supposed to comment after every lesson?

- Alex



I couldn't remember where we pasted all the stickers,
but I've just found them.

6... wasn't many.
Maybe our booth wasn't as impressive as others.
Letting the audience play is the best way to advertise, I guess.

If we do the same thing again,
we could hold a tournament using our game, so that it almost forces the audience to participate.
Or give some reward to the winners of the game, to give them stronger impression.

not too sure

Im not too sure what everyone is doing. please upload anything you are doing and anything that you think still needs addressing and it will help us all to work better while out of class. .....cause really at the moment i dont think we are doing too well. and with this poster is it due in the coming tuesday or what? and also im happy to work on the poster and what ever else. we really should be figuring out this shit people. i like Shauns program and think this new game is much more...do'able.



Homework for next week

* Blog: How (if) the dimensions helped you

* Send me video + photo (a 1024x768 photo with game title, 1 sentence gameplay, URL, team) before Tuesday

* Email me a picture of your dots 

* Start working on your game

* Report progress on your website

Hey guys, Shaun here. I thought I'd post the homework for next week on the blog. So we've already started working on our games, awesome, and progress has been reported on out website, awesome again.

As for the video and photo with the information, well the picture won't take long, but does anyone have an idea for the video? Alex seems to be the most adept at animation for it, but it's a lot of work to do in 2 days so I don't want to push it on him.

Oh and does anyone have an idea about dot point 3 ><>

And dot point one, well I guess whoever goes through their points first could just make a new post and then everyone else can just edit it and add theirs to the end?

Anyway I guess comment here on what you think or give me a text,


'How many dots' game

Hey guys, I wrote the first game today, it generates a random number from 1 to 8 and then print that number and that number of circles. Once I've finished the other ones I'll pretty it up :) If you have any ideas for games you'd like me to include just comment on this post or text message me and I'll see what I can do :)

On a personal note I hadn't thrown images into Java before, this was definitely a learning experience, and there's some parts that were directly copied from forums, but when I have the time I'll change them to fit how I program, enjoy!

import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.*;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;

public final class RunMe {

public static final void main(String... aArgs){

Random randomGenerator = new Random();
int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(8);
if (randomInt==0){

System.out.println("Number of Circles:" + randomInt);

String path = "C:/Users/Shaun/Pictures/BlueCircle"+randomInt+".jpg";
BufferedImage image = null;
try {
image = ImageIO.read(new File(path));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
LoadAndShow test = new LoadAndShow(image);
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.add(new JScrollPane(test));
Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
int height = screenSize.height;
int width = screenSize.width;



private static void setBounds(int i, int j, int k, int l) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


I'll post a screen-captured video later because you guys won't be able to run it without having the right files or directories.



I have had a look around the web and i think for HH2 cricket gear would be our best option if we were going to mod existing products. cricket gear covers all the right places and is lightly padded. for the shield i was thinking maybe just a pretend shield like this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/FAKE-ROMAN-ARMOUR-SHIELD-HALLOWEEN-COSTUME-PROP-/310170414200?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483798ec78#ht_863wt_1161

i think we need it to be pre maid in plastic cause it is going to be hard to make it ourselves in plastic. Another materials are going to be either too heavy or too weak for the purpose.

leave your ideas guys



Hunter x Hunted II

The problems our game has are that:

  1. There needs to be a heartbeat sensor for each player- might cost too much
  2. No one has used the heat beat sensor before- might take too much time to make it work
  3. We need to study two things: programming and how to build the machine.
  4. Each device needs to be strong enough so that it won't break while the players are running.

Now good parts of our game are:

  1. It forces the players to work out.
  2. Can be played by any number of people(as long as they are devices for them)

This game would be awesome, but only if we can actually make it.

Since I have almost no knowledge about programming, to me, subjectively, this looks unrealistic.
To make me feel it's realizable, can someone post the information about where to buy all the stuff we need and how much they cost, and what programming knowledge we need for it?

Now I came up with an idea of a game that we can make, so that we can always escape:

  1. Each player first does a mini-game (made in Java) which a player first clicks, and then tries to click again ten seconds later, without looking at a clock.
  2. The Java script calculates the absolute value of the difference.
  3. Each player gets a spot away from the starting point. Their distance between the starting point and their spot depends on their time lag in the first mini-game.
  4. At each player's spot, there will be a weapon and a shield.
  5. When the game starts, screen suddenly shows which player to be a Hunter, at random moment.
  6. As soon as the players know their role, they run to their spot to get their equipment.
  7. If the Hunter can hit the Hunted's body before the Hunted protects itself with his/her shield,
  8. the Hunter wins that game.

Only thing we need to make this game real, are:
  1. Java script(this is the only thing that requires some skill)
  2. Shields and Weapons(soft)
  3. One laptop
  4. One mouse
  5. Tape measure
I tried to make this game inherit the good part of the heartbeat game which is to force the players to run.
Depends on how to program it, this game can be played by more than two people.


Arduino Heartbear Sensor

This arduino unit uses the amount of light absorbed by blood to determine when the heart beats, and produces a graph that peaks when it does. The poster was also nice enough to post their code, and there'[s some more code over here that would be really useful to us (actually that's where I was linked from). Between the 2 we have everything we need to get his under way if we want to do it this way. At the end of the post their are some videos, final output's after about 50~55 seconds of the last video when the signal's been amplified. Enjoy :)



Heat Beat

Shaun, could you paste the link to where you found the information about the Phidget that measures heartbeat?


New Idea

This is totally a new idea.
You can ignore this, or hopefully be inspired.

So, this is a sword fight using USB mouse.
Cable from the mouse will be cut and connected to the sword (made of soft materials i.e. news paper), and so that when the sword hits aluminum plate, the mouse's circuit completes.
Since the mouse is always clicking, it should send "clicking" message to the PC whenever the sword hits metal.
On the PC, java script can add scores every time "click" happens.


Random exertion game idea: Tron

Hey guys, so I'm sure everyone already knows the game Tron, but here's a link anyway.

I came up with this while I was thinking about parallel play games (sorry if that terminology's wrong Floyd), but while I was thinking about using positions in games I thought of this.

This game uses 2 soft-modded GPS systems so they display the position of both the GPS itself and the partner GPS. In the example I've used 2 cars, but obviously running or cycling with one would be a better fit for an exertion game.

So, it's pretty self explanatory; the GPS' display car positions and draw a line over where they've been.The grid system that the city or even suburban areas are generally based on would work really well for pixel perfect movement, a'la PacManhattan.

And just like in tron, if you run into your or the other players' 'tail' then you lose. I think that if you were using cars for this over being on foot, bikes or whatever else then another player per team could make for some pretty exciting games, with one acting as a navigator and the other one driving (It'd probably be a lot safer as well).

Anyway any comments or critiques are welcome, just a random exertion-game related post.



Least technology

I'm feeling maybe programming or hacking into heat beat measuring instrument is going to be too difficult.

Maybe, we don't even need a button.We might rely on player's sportsmanship for judging whether they are tagged.

So I've made this new gadget which only plays and stops playing music.
This will be attached to players' back.

This system is extremely simple and cheap.

Plus, e could put gameness through music that's played by the iPod, for example:
in addition to being tagged, players will also be "out" when he/she hears certain sound that's implanted in the music as a trap.
So that the players can stop running and rest, but have to star running before the trap sound starts playing.

If we decide that we can't hack into the pedometer or the heat beat measuring instrument, then we could use this.
Or at least to present on Friday as a rough demo version. Junki
Sorry if this is too hard to understand. my writing is pretty bad. this is just another idea o though id have a go at sketching out. Thanks anyways constructive critique welcome :P

Start putting your names after your posts people.

Ok So the prototypes are good though i think they need to be smaller and more effective. plus how are we going to implement the heart beat monitor into them?
What do we need to do by next lesson?
And can Alex upload the video demo of the game.

Thanks guys, Chris


Fake gadget 03

I made the gadget that makes sound when its button is pushed and it's not moving.

However, this doesn't look useful.
I should have used better materials...

Maybe, instead of lights, it could play music when a player is not moving fast enough.
Lights are not easy to see whether it's on, and it's only visible from one direction.


Fake gadget 01

I made the gadget that does not use pedometer.
Maybe we can use this to present our game on Friday.I'm trying to connect this to a button, so that when it's pushed, I makes a sound.

Problem with this method:

Way too sensitive and the status (hunter/target) changes so rapidly.
If we use a pedometer, since it needs to wait for several seconds to calculate the footsteps per time, each change in status (hunter/target) won't be so quick.

Big and too fragile.

Really, tell me, if this is a bad idea,
or, if you know any better way to do this.


An ideal image

The simplest version of this gadget won't have any wireless communication system.
Only thing it does is beep when the button/light is pushed while the light is red.


Pedometer idea

I made figures that might help us think.

So we will have pedometers that have light and switch attached to them.

If the pedometers detect players' running speed (foot steps) is slower than certain amount, the light turns red.

Other players would want to push the buttons when they are red.


This game wouldn't be fun with two or less number of players.

Difficult to present to the class.


Old games + technology2

Another one.

Cat&Mouse(Japanese name)

is a game usually involves three or more people. Two players are assigned a name either Cat or Mouse, and when the third one says "Cat," Mouse has to run as fast as possible to his/her safe zone. Cat then tries to catch Mouse. The players can stand anywhere they like until the third one calls a name.

Improved version might have:

  • More than two or odd number of players.
  • Screens that display a name or an action.
  • One screen can only show either name, or action.
  • Screens that display the information are selected randomly by computer.

This way, the players need two pieces of information from the screens to know what they need to to. And, maybe this makes the game more exciting...

I hope my writing makes sense. By the way, I'm Junki.

Old games + technology

Maybe, the first step to invent a new game is to improve old games.

So how about something like this:

Hunter-Hunted + technology

Hunter-Hunted is a game where inside c circle, two blinded players look for the stick in the center of the circle. And you can win by hitting the other player with the stick. But, only one swing is allowed.

Improved version might have:

  • Four devices that make noise at each corner of the rectangular area. 
  • If a player comes out of the area, he/she instantly loses.
  • The stick does not necessarily have to be at the center. 
  • As one player gets closer to another player, or the stick, the player's device makes louder noise.

This way, only clue that the players have is the noise from the six devices. And it might be even more exciting. But this game might not have much exertion.


This is TeamM's blog.
